Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Vision India

Why it can’t be done?

Why do our new generation fear? Why don’t they try to think about others, rather them themselves? Why can’t our country prosper? As our professor said, “People tend to think about themselves first, then family, religion, caste, state, country, planet”. This country has no dearth of human intelligence which is the most important asset for any country, why can’t it be utilized properly. Why is the right environment not provided to them to flourish? Why do we still lag behind? The answer lies in some radical minded people who for their own vested interest exploit others and the country. The menace of this disease is so deep-rooted that people have lost faith in it. The only answer is, “nothing can be done”.

Civilizations have fought back, people have fought back. We can also fight back. Just one generation has to sacrifice to bring about change. And it can be done. We have to get into the system, to change the system. If a plethora of young turks join the government, can’t it change? Already people have started to realize that voting an incumbent government is the best way to bring about prosperity rather that electing representatives based on their caste, religion etc. This is the best time to exploit the opportunity. The most important need of the hour is to provide the best primary education to the future minds of the country. Many places in rural india, children attend school just for the mid-day meal. It needs to be changed. The best studying environment must be provided to them. Values are built at a very young stage and that is what we need to change. Young generation must be inculcated with the values of serving the country, the mankind.

There must be few people sharing the same views and many who do not. However we need more of the former. As rightly said by professor “change is not far, just people need to think the other way round; planet, country, family, religion, then themselves”

Plz post ur valuable ideas on what else needs to be done..


  1. I totally agree with you...time has come now not to delegate to the next generation rather to take the responsibility on our own.The generation that sacrificed for 1947 provide us privilege to have freedom.Now in today's time when country like Japan,china can rise up to a such a high level from scratch then why can't we.In continuation with Abhishek point one of my professor said"at least one generation has to sacrifice now to lift up the country to another higher level".

  2. One of the finest actors in our film industry, Mr Amir Khan has rightly said that parents should not ask their children only about how high they scored in the academic tests, but should also ask each day whether their child has helped anyone even in the smallest possible manner.For this will instill right values and help in passing the real test of life-to put someone else ahead of oneself.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. very true comment by Radhika. Today, when we look around, we see that our generation is much more self-centered in the name of independance given by the parents. The learning process has to start at the grass- root level. And, since home is the first window through which a child sees the world outside, since we say that charity begins at home, so learning should also begin at home. The parents should instill the respect for the country from their childhood days. Then, we will definitely be able to see that passion for changing the society. But, i would also like to say that if each and every person starts caring for even his family, then i guess we'll set the ball rolling and will be able to move on to state, country and planet........

  5. Yes,its nice to hear the Vision India...but what is the conclusion of all the Discussions and Debates???????
    People are selfish.They no longer want to think of their country. All they want is to acquire lots of money by any means. People want to enjoy life, even at the expense of others.For example,our highly qualified youth educated from IIT's,IIM's,AIIMS etc. want to go abroad..don't want to come back to India.Highly paid professionals in India find different ways to avoid income tax.Government offices are busy competing with private offices for salary hikes. There is no sense of oneness.Therefore,How can one expect the proper utilization of Human Capital of India??????
    Today's young people are more exposed to violence, drinks, drugs and money. If we believe these young people are the country's future, we have to think again........

  6. Thats very true that people think of themselves only I would like to share one of the examples of inhuman treatment with employees. Recently i went to Sagar Ratna of "Virandavan". I noticed that waiters are wearing half sleeves shirts at such a chilling environment. I asked them why are you wearing summer clothes in winters then he replied they are not allowed to wear sweaters or coat. Thats such a inhuman treatment with employes. Then i complaint against it in the visitors book. But that incidence brings a shame to whole society.

  7. Lemme provide a alternative solution, instead of demanding sacrifice from the youth let the older people sacrifice. By this I mean that there are thousands of old people who are earning handsome salaries. They have there children well settled and I think money with them only attracts criminals. So why don't they join hands to form NGOs and contribute to the society. In hindu religion we believe that post retirement one should be at the service of god....well what can be a better service.
